pop-up shop voddenmannen


We are very happy to invite you to the voddenmannen 1 pop-up shop Fri.9th and Sat.10th of July. (10 – 20h). Voddenmannen 1 is the first batch of affordable design items that are remodeled from discarded textiles.

voddenmannen is an initiative of fashion designer Rens de Waal in which he investigates his role as a ‘Fashion Remodelist’, a mentality in which we look at the value of clothing in a different way.

With Leger des Heils ReShare as a collaborator and supplier of damaged vintage, voddenmannen taps into a waste stream that otherwise would be reduced to the fiber prematurely.

Rens believes that working with what we already have leads to an exciting design challenge.

He discovered that Leger des Heils ReShare collects a lot of good quality (vintage) clothing that has something wrong with it: a hole or a stain. Not all of these items can be repaired manually, so are often reduced to the fiber. He saw an opportunity here, as these items are of good quality and simply need some care and imagination for reinvention. This results in an easy to wear product with a subtle design handwriting.

Personally curated by fashion designer Rens de Waal and his sensibility for colour and quality of fabrics, the garments are translated, stripped and updated into contemporary pieces. This does not mean the resulting product is in its final stage, but rather emphasizes its possibility to transform again.

The name voddenmannen (loosely translated rag men) and its historical function stems from a time where clothing meant value, something we forgot in our modern consumer society.

De Voddenman is an intriguing historic reference, and by transforming and shaping it to todays world it is more than ready for a comeback.